Project Description

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Wat Pafang


If you think that Wat Chaimongkol at the opposite side of the road is the very beautiful temple in Lampang, perhaps you wouldn' t want to miss visiting this temple where you will have a chance to see one of the most beautiful decorated interior of the main vihara with a very special posture Buddha image ( Medicine Posture; having myrobalan in his right hand that buddhism believes it is a medicine ) that you can pray for good health.

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Slide One

Wat Pafang


If you think that Wat Chaimongkol at the opposite side of the road is the very beautiful temple in Lampang, perhaps you wouldn' t want to miss visiting this temple where you will have a chance to see one of the most beautiful decorated interior of the main vihara with a very special posture Buddha image ( Medicine Posture; having myrobalan in his right hand that buddhism believes it is a medicine ) that you can pray for good health.

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Morbi cursus erat sit amet mauris tempor convallis. Mauris fermentum mauris velit, tempor pretium mi pulvinar eu. In lobortis rutrum porta. Mauris vitae mollis odio. Pellentesque sodales pulvinar tristique. Nullam vel suscipit erat. Duis bibendum consectetur pretium. Donec commodo orci quis tincidunt viverra.

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